The 5 Best states for Black Entrepreneurs

There is an old sang that you only grow as big as the environment that you're in !

Black entrepreneurs face unique challenges in the business world, from accessing financial support to overcoming systemic discrimination. However, some states offer better environments than others for Black business owners to thrive. Based on recent data and various metrics, the following states stand out as the best for Black entrepreneurs in 2023:

đź“ŤQuick Ranking of the States

  1. Maryland

  2. Tennessee

  3. Nevada

  4. Virginia

  5. Georgia


Maryland tops the list as the best state for Black entrepreneurs, with a high concentration of Black-owned businesses—1,090 per million residents, the highest in the nation. The state also leads in the percentage of its workforce employed by Black-owned businesses. Black business owners in Maryland earn an impressive average annual income of $70,378, which is the third highest in the country, and control an average annual payroll of $420,000. Despite Maryland's high cost of living, these economic indicators highlight the state's supportive environment for Black entrepreneurs.


Tennessee, ranking second, has shown significant improvement, jumping nine places from the previous year. The state's diverse economy, which includes healthcare, automotive, agriculture, and tourism, provides ample opportunities for Black entrepreneurs. Tennessee's sizable Black population, about 17%, contributes to its favorable business environment. The state boasts a high annual income for Black business owners at $63,762, the sixth highest nationally, and a low cost of living. Additionally, Tennessee has no state income tax, further enhancing its appeal to entrepreneurs.


Nevada holds the third spot, moving up one place from last year. Despite having a relatively low Black population, the state's Black business owners perform exceptionally well. They command an average annual payroll of approximately $519,000, the fourth highest in the nation, and earn an average income of $61,818. Nevada's lack of state income tax makes it financially attractive for entrepreneurs. However, the state's relatively high unemployment rate is a notable drawback.


Virginia, ranked fourth, has a significant Black population, constituting about 20% of its residents. This demographic plays a crucial role in the state's business dynamics. Virginia ranks highly for its number of Black-owned businesses per capita (732, the third highest) and the percentage of the workforce employed by these businesses. Despite higher-than-average income taxes and a higher cost of living, the state's overall supportive environment and business-friendly policies make it a top choice for Black entrepreneurs.


Georgia rounds out the top five, known for its vibrant business scene, particularly in Atlanta, which is considered a center of Black wealth. The state boasts the second highest rate of Black entrepreneurship, with 1,036 Black-owned businesses per million residents, and the second largest percentage of its workforce employed by Black-owned businesses. While the average income for Black business owners in Georgia is $58,316, which is lower than in some other top states, the state's relatively low cost of living helps offset this. Georgia's supportive infrastructure and thriving Black business community make it an excellent environment for entrepreneurs.

These states not only offer economic opportunities but also provide supportive ecosystems that help Black entrepreneurs overcome barriers and succeed in their ventures.

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